It seems the liberals and Washington are talking from two perspectives on what is really one issue. Are we in favor of big corporations or not? We bail out the banks. You might say, 'Well, "our" banks are the foundation of doing business in the US.' We also bailed out GM, and we have many non-GM cars all over the country.
On the other hand, Wal-Mart is the great evil. It's a big corporation and, therefore, evil. We want small businesses who pay good wages, not Wal-Mart who can force people to take jobs at low costs.
What is the difference between banks and car companies on the one side and Wal-Mart on the other? They both make profits in general, quite a lot I would guess. If you work for a bank, are you getting paid a large amount of money? If you work at a car factory, are you raking in the dough? Why are there opposing views of these big businesses?